Kayla: academic profile

This is an academic profile on Kayla, a classmate in my English class as well as a freshman at Georgia state university. Like most of her classmates, Kayla has been at GSU for one semester. Kayla was born in Georgia, and she went to Browns mill elementary school from kindergarten to 5th grade. She then went to tapestry public charter school from 6th to 12th grade and as soon as she graduated, she enrolled at GSU. Kayla enrolled at GSU as soon as she graduated because it was either that or getting a job. She chose the Clarkston campus at GSU because it was more cost-friendly. She intends to major in engineering and her long-term goal is to set up a research and development site in Atlanta.

She will achieve her goal through her academic skills and the three words she chose to describe her academic self were creative, attentive, and resourceful.

She chose creative as her first word because of her interest in art. Kayla likes to apply her creative artistic lens in any assignment she does. Her second word, attentive, was chosen because it describes Kayla’s focus in her classes. She never caused commotions but instead took detailed notes in class and made sure to be mindful of upcoming assignments. She also chose resourceful because even though she wasn’t the best student she still tried to improve in areas that needed help. She took advantage of tutoring opportunities whenever she did poorly on a test and made sure to speak to teachers if she needed help. If what she was looking for couldn’t be found at school, then she searched the internet and took notes on what she found.

Kayla feels that her past experiences have prepared her for future semesters in college by teaching her to work hard and use any resources available. Her high school teacher was unorthodox in the way that she taught so it showed Kayla irregular and creative ways to learn and interact with teachers. This experience helped her to connect with professors in college which she assumed would be hard due to the popular notion that professors aren’t easy to talk to. 

Kayla’s influence is her family members, and she will pursue her goal and achieve it by putting lessons taught in class like the study myths video to use which demonstrate common mistakes people do when studying. She is proud of her natural talent in math. In the end, Kayla is an attentive, hardworking student with hopes of setting up a site in Atlanta to help people.

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