Academic Profile: Angel Sabino

This essay is a summary of an interview I held with Angel Sabino about his academic self. We texted back and forth and talked some in class where we spoke on major goals and more personal information. Angel is a 16 year old doing dual enrollment as he attends DECA. During his k-12 career, he has moved from Car Reynolds in elementary, to Sequoyah in middle school, and now DECA. His plans after graduating high school are to go straight into college, but he is unsure of what college he would like to attend. Angel’s dream is to become an architect because he believes that is a job that will make him financially stable as well as happy. His reasoning for going to GSU was simple, but logical. He says “I chose GSU because of how easy it is to get to the campus.” Given he is still in high school, this makes sense for his dual enrollment program. His main point is to do something he loves so his main career goal is to become an architectural engineer.

    Angel describes his academic self as committed as he doesn’t plan on changing careers, organized, and focused. His biggest influence on his academic self is his grandfather because he spends a lot of time with him and the experiences that his grandpa has gone through helps Angel to do better for himself. His grandfather relays information to him on how to be successful while maintaining happiness. Defining your academic self can be relatively difficult, but Angel has seemed to grasp the understanding of it and that is something he is proud to acknowledge. He recognizes the differences between himself and his academic self and he is proud of his development to get to where he is now. 

    More about Angel is that he has been invested in a show that involves helping people find relationships. He also doesn’t have a favorite subject. He prefers to have a teacher with a good attitude about teaching and who loves their job as opposed to the subject they teach. Being a versatile learner has also helped him on his journey to accomplishing his life goals.

    Angel finds frustration is the lack of communication and selflessness of professors. He talked about the workload and how some classes have too much work. His classes choose to pile on all the work on the same days instead of evenly distributing the work out between days. Everything is due on the same day and it often piles up and can get stressful.

    Overall, Angel is someone who just wants to be happy and will get there by any means necessary. He is hardworking and dedicated to his dreams of becoming an architectural engineer.


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