Academic Profile of Armani Billingslea

Armani Billingslea is a classmate of mine and he is in his first-year second semester of college. Armani was born in Georgia. He started his pre-k year in Georgia but by his 2nd-grade year, Armani moves to Florida. He moved back to Georgia during his 5th-grade year, moving back and forth 4 times between Florida and Georgia. During his elementary year, Armani did really well at school, but by his middle school year, he started to get off track. By his high school year, Armani started to get back on track and started doing good in school. After graduating high school, Armani applied for college, and the first school to accept him was Georgia State University. He chose GSU because of the school price and because it was the first school to accept him. He was the first person in his family to go to college and will probably be the first to finish college in his family. 

In school Armani is good at English, History, and writing. His only bad subjects are Math and Spanish. Armani is a focused, serious, and respectful person. He’s very focused and serious when it comes to his schoolwork, he puts extra effort into it because it’s going to be very useful in his life after graduation. He treats others with respect because he wants others to feel safe around him and also to respect him back.  Knowing that he wanted to become an attorney or judge, he needs to show respect to his clients because showing respect helps you build relationships with your client and makes them trust you. 

Armani’s major is Criminal Justice. His career goal is to be an attorney or judge, anything that deals with the law. Since he was around 9, he has always been interested in being a lawyer. His favorite TV shows are Criminal Minds and Law & Order because they are about crime and their cases. Watching these shows helps him know more about the criminal justice field and see what is like in this field. If he is not watching these shows he likes to play video games and basketball. After graduation, he hopes to become a judge or an attorney and help anyone that is wrongfully accused of anything and to make sure that the law is executed in the right way. He hopes to learn more about the history of law and how to enforce them. 

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