“The Supreme Court Database is the definitive source for researchers, students, journalists, and citizens interested in the U.S. Supreme Court. The Database contains over two hundred pieces of information about each case decided by the Court between the 1791 and 2014 terms. Examples include the identity of the court whose decision the Supreme Court reviewed, the parties to the suit, the legal provisions considered in the case, and the votes of the Justices.” |
A Battle over Judicial Authority in Kansas
The Kansas City Star reports:
A Senate committee advanced a bill Thursday that would expand the reasons for impeaching Kansas Supreme Court justices, including “attempting to usurp the power” of the Legislature or executive branch….
Senate Vice President Jeff King, an Independence Republican and committee chairman, voted against the proposal, saying it could open the door to impeachment proceedings against justices making decisions in good faith.
“Has the Supreme Court issued opinions I disagree with? Absolutely,” said King, noting that Kansas has retention elections for justices.
“I don’t want impeachment proceedings to even be hinted at as based on a decision a justice makes in their official capacity,” he said
Sen. Forrest Knox, an Altoona Republican, supported the bill, saying that defining high crimes and misdemeanors is simply part of the checks and balances necessary in a system with three branches of government.
“That’s the way it’s designed,” Knox said. “Supreme Court justices have become kings, where there is no check.”
Student-Run Journal (Claremont Journal of Law and Public Policy) is Seeking Submissions by Students
Call for Submissions – Claremont Journal of Law and Public Policy [www.5clpp.com]
The Claremont Journal of Law and Public Policy (CJLPP) is soliciting submissions for its fifth issue. Please see below for qualifications.
The Claremont Journal of Law and Public Policy is a student-run journal that covers a wide range of legal and public-policy issues. It was founded in the Fall of 2013 as the Claremont Law Journal and has since changed names to reflect the broader interests of students at the Claremont Colleges. The mission of the journal is to publish high quality analysis as well as to stimulate interest and debate over legal and public policy issues on campus and beyond.
SUBMISSION DEADLINE: March 14th, 2016 at 11:59 PM
CJLPP is looking for papers ranging from 10 to 20+ single-spaced pages in length. Our journal is especially receptive to research papers, senior theses, and independent studies or final papers written for classes. Papers need not be on American law or public policy — they can be on international systems or the law or public policy of any country. We consider submissions on a rolling basis for each issue, so if your piece is not finished by the deadline, please still submit it upon completion.
Students in any field of study are encouraged to submit their work, so long as their piece relates to the law or public policy. Possible disciplinary perspectives include, but are not limited to: History, Criminology, Economics, Sociology, Anthropology, English, Biology, Neuroscience, Philosophy, Linguistics, Psychology, and Political Science.
Please submit your work by email to Martin.Sicilian@Pomona.edu.
Selected pieces will be published in the fifth issue of the Claremont Journal of Law and Public Policy. Other pieces may be selected for online publication only.
Please direct questions or concerns to Martin.Sicilian@Pomona.edu
We May be Having our First Amendments Convention
Robert Natelson writes:
My own assessment is that there is a significant chance that an amendments convention will meet within the next few years. I am not alone in so concluding: Many political leaders agree. In fact, several organizations of state lawmakers are actively planning for a convention.
Because such a “Convention for proposing Amendments” has never been held, many writers have posed questions about its composition, how its members would be selected, what its procedures would be and how much power it would have. This series of postings answers those questions and several others as well.