All posts by nmotahari1

The tl;dr phenomenon in regards to the newspaper field

I definitely agree that this is a phenomenon that occurs, and as a writer (and editor) for the newspaper, it’s an issue that occurs in print just as often as electronically. With the online formatting, it’s quite simple. People are lazy and they don’t want to scroll down to read more, or their attention spans are short.

According to the SAP Business Blog,  they state that “According to the National Center for Biotechnology Information, at the U.S. National Library of Medicine, the average attention span of a human being has dropped from 12 seconds in 2000 to 8 seconds in 2013.” The average attention span of a goldfish is 9 seconds, so human beings have dropped even lower than Dory!

The biggest change over that period of time was the internet, with Pintrest and Google and Wikipedia, and along came MySpace, and its followers. With the internet, it’s so easy to get distracted by notifications from Facebook, Twitter and all the other different social media sites, so people have a list of “things to read”, but they never actually get around to reading it.

My mother and I frequently spot cool things on the web, and send them to each other so that when the opportune moment comes, we’ll have a chance to read, but it ended up becoming a thread of unread messages that gets lost amongst other forms of electronic interaction.

As far as the actual length of the articles, the trick lies in adding multimedia and breaking down your paragraphs. As English majors, one of the first things we are taught is that any goof paragraph needs to be anywhere between four to six lines long.

However, when writing for the web, we use the pyramid tools, where each paragraph is two or three lines at most and you start with your most important points at the top of the page to grab the reader’s attention, before continuing on to facts that might not be as gripping to use in you opening paragraphs.

In the newspaper world, pictures are no longer sufficient to keep a reader’s attention. We’re actually discussing incorporating videos and audio media into the articles we use. We have to use graphics and flowcharts to keep things interactive. If you get the readers online to interact with the text, there is a greater chance that they will actually stay on till the end!

However, occasionally, if you can’t beat them, you join them. Some companies such as “The Skimm”, a great website that takes top news stories and boils them down to two or three sentences, efficiently providing a quick and easy summary that allows readers to make their way through basic conversations on these topics.

Prezi is the new PowerPoint

I believe that PowerPoints used to be a pretty decent form of media back in the 90’s and early 2000’s as a way to teach or give information to an audience. However, PowerPoints had 2 categories that I believe killed them: the overly dull and dry ones that bore the viewers to sleep and the super animated ones with every single possible animated special effect that make it impossible to concentrate on the actual concept of what’s being presented.

For example, this presentation uploaded by Javed Iqbal onto is a simple presentation uploaded from Powerpoint, and it pains me to even look at the simple template, which really dumbs things down, offering little opportunity for creativity.

I believe that the newer trend, Prezi offers an easier method of maintaining creativity while still getting the information through. The transitions are much smoother, and the opportunity to embed different links and videos into the presentation without having to stop and open each individual link. Furthermore, the ability to include multimodal layers without having to go through the trouble of adding it individually as an option to each slide makes it easier on the presenter  keep an easy flow to the actual presentation.

Personally, I find Prezi to be more user friendly than Powerpoint. With Powerpoint, I always found myself fumbling for the right buttons, and the right balance between creativity and presenting the information concisely and clearly. For instance in my latest editing Prezi, I was able to easily embed the music to play in the background. The preplanned layout allows me to make minor adjustments while keeping to a general format, but the background styles allow me to spice it up a bit.

Furthermore, Prezi’s formatting encourages you to use it for a variety of purposes, not just strictly academic, but fun as well, like this one connecting Cell Regeneration to Doctor Who regenerations. Not only was it easy to embed videos and music, but the searchable Google Images make it easier than saving and uploading individual photos. Also, it has the benefit of being online, which makes it transferable via a link instead of trying to e-mail it and getting a message saying it is too big to upload!



Copywriter ahoy!

I would like to be a copywriter, since my time is extremely limited. I work full time and am a full time student with eighteen hours of coursework. I feel that as a copywriter, it would allow me to schedule things out ahead of time, so I could take care of the work efficiently, while writing quality pieces.

I have extensive experience with writing, having been president of the writer’s circle in high school, as well as Editor-In-Chief of our high school Literary Magazine. However, over the course of my university career, I also have had a great deal of experience with writing, both in the academic and professional world.

Since my freshman year, I have been taking level 300 courses, and I have been doing various blogging projects, both in class and on a personal level. I am also Opinions Editor of the GSU Signal newspaper, and spent a semester as Web Editor for the Signal, so I feel that I am well suited to the position of copywriting.

Should you use a non-traditional resume?

I believe that while traditional resumes are still very important, more companies are starting to consider more nontraditional forms as well, especially those such as social media.  However, the issue I find most prevalent in nontraditional forms of resumes is that people tend to forget that even though the method may not be similar to that of their fellow applicants, there is no need to deprofessionalize it (if that’s really a word).

Keep your social media and any other pages that might be open to the public free of photos you would have hesitations about employers viewing, and monitor your friends’ posts on your wall carefully. The worst thing that you could do is to give mixed signals to your employers by providing a clean and polished resume and appearance at the interview, but having photos posted on your social media pages of you partying with alcohol and something that you can’t quite pass off as a cigarette.

Furthermore, if you plan on creating something such as a video resume or a graphic, make sure that it remains classy and business-like.  Don’t get carried away with neon colors or a cluttered layout. Graphic resumes can be a fantastic way of helping you stand out in the crowd but keep them sleek and clean.

For example, an infographic that uses a visual timeline of your employment history instead of merely a list of dates might better illustrate your experience in relation to how long you have been in the work field.

Use your LinkedIn profile- this is the place to expand your resume into something a little more robust or add on projects and accomplishments your resume may not have room for.  The projects portion of LinkedIn allows you to link certain websites or files that provide samples of your skills for future employers to view when glancing over profiles; this gives them an idea of what to expect, and sets you apart from other applicant who have not used this function.

Video resumes are very nifty, but apart from ensuring it remains professional, also keep in mind that because it is very short, it will most likely be supplemented by some form of traditional resume.  Be careful not to overload video resumes with extraneous details, a basic timeline with your contact information and goals should be sufficient. Your linked-in or paper resume will fill in the details for the major points.

Works Cited

“The Anti-Resume: Is Non-traditional the New Answer?” |Vault Blogs| Web. 13 Sept. 2014.

“Does a Non-Traditional Resume Limit Your Odds? [INFOGRAPHIC].” Mashable. Web. 13 Sept. 2014.

“Examples of the Different Types of Nontraditional Resumes.” About. Careers. Web. 13 Sept. 2014.

Stretching the truth- okay or no-kay?

For me the issue of lying on a resume causes mixed feelings. I am studying HR administration for Hospitality, so I know that as an HR manager, I would hate to see someone lying on their resume, but as an employee, I feel that sometimes carefully worded phrases that show you in the best light should be acceptable. As Carol Goman claims in her article, small white lies are forgivable and sometimes even expected of applicants, however major lies are more often than not caught and you will have to face the consequences.

I think there is a certain extent to which it’s okay to stretch the truth, if and only if you are confident that you can exceed expectations for the job. Small lies can usually swing two ways- either people feel empowered by their lies and keep lying, or they work even harder to make sure that they are the best they could possibly be.

For example, if I exaggerated, let’s say on an application for a field in journalism and I claimed to have managed a team of writers for the news beat while also doing production design, when I have no production design experience, and the job I was applying for asked for someone with production design, then I would seriously be in hot water. They would find me out, and likely fire me, with a mark on my record saying I was fired for dishonesty.

Even stretching the truth to some extent has its risks. You have to ask yourself- ‘If these new employers call my former boss, will she back up what I have put on my resume?’. This can be anything from your salary to your duties. It’s all a matter of calculating the risk and wording your resume accordingly.

While I’m sure most of us have experience with stretching our resumes, you need to make sure that what you’re writing sounds reasonable, and instead of creating skills you don’t have, enhances the skills you do. Please, do not be like the football coach from Notre Dame who claimed he held a Master’s degree when he did not. Such lies are blatant and will likely result in termination.

Personally, I believe that if you even stretch the truth on your resume, when you get that job, you should work as hard as you can to prove yourself good enough, and better than any of the other candidates who may have been considered for the position. Again, stretching the truth a little bit is one thing, and is acceptable in minor circumstances, but big lies are never a good idea, and should definitely not appear anywhere in the workplace.





Vass, Lisa. “Lying on Your Resume: How Far to Stretch the Truth.” Lying on Your Resume: How Far to Stretch the Truth. N.p., n.d. Web. 05 Sept. 2014.

Gorman, Carol. “The 10 Most Common Workplace Lies.” Forbes. Forbes Magazine, n.d. Web. 06 Sept. 2014.

Bucholz, Chris. “The 6 Most Effective Ways to Lie on Your Resume.” N.p., n.d. Web. 06 Sept. 2014