GOMIS, Jordi, Carlos TURÓN, and Ramon RIPOLL. “Conceptual And Instrumental Influences In The Graphic Representation Of Urban Planning During The 20Th Century.” Geographia Technica 10.2 (2015): 41-49. Academic Search Complete. Web. 24 Feb. 2016.

This article is a continuation of the first two articles I chose. This article ends the trilogy of “articles that have sought to analyze the main influences that have shaped important changes in the representation of the town, graphically speaking” (Gomis, 41). This article discusses how the 20th century has changed urban planning. This article, like the others, discusses the conceptual and instrumental influences. The conclusion points to further changes in planning as we become more technologically savvy. I chose this source because it is directly related to the two previous articles. These articles discuss the changes in urban planning over certain times. This source is reliable and doesn’t seem to have many flaws to me. It is related to my other two articles, but they discuss different time periods to better explain the evolution of urban planning.