4.5 Improve Usefulness

Look for ways to make the data more useful.

Convert numbers to a common base such as sales per capita or to a common base year if it will improve comparisons.

Describe any conversions you make and rename the converted numbers accordingly.

Be sure the reader knows when you refer to the original numbers versus the converted numbers.

Consider what the reader will try to do with the numbers.  Do it for them.

Put numbers in the form they are needed for effective use.  Decide if the actual numbers or the percentages are more useful.  Both are relevant but choose the one that fits the task better.  Or use both.

Which is more useful?

When do you expect to open new facilities? (n=1111) #
Within 6 months 57
6 months – 2 years 471
More than 2 years 583
When do you expect to open new facilities? (n=1111)  %
Within 6 months 5
6 months – 2 years 42
More than 2 years 53


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