Protective Hairstyles for Natural Hair


My snapshot post is about protective styling fortural hair. As a black woman, I identify with the culture of black women and the natural hair culture. The natural hair movement has become more and more prevalent amongst black women in the past decade and for many reasons. One of the main reasons why natural hair has become so popular was because it promotes hair growth. A lot of black women recognized how bad chemical straighteners were for their hair and because of that they started to embrace their own texture. I am a proud member of the natural hair community and, like any other culture, I have learned the specific practices that come along with being in the natural hair community. A very important tradition that is practiced by all naturalists is protective styling. Protective styles are hairstyles that promote hair growth and are achieved without heat. My favorite protective style is crochet braids, also known as latch hook braids. Some other protective styles are cornrows, braids, twists, dreads, and many others; all of which are easy to achieve and stylish at the same time.