LSAC’s 2016 Free Law School Forum in Atlanta – Friday 10/28

Free LSAC Law School Forums are held in several major cities around the country to give prospective law students an opportunity to talk personally with representatives from law schools and to collect admission materials from schools throughout the country. If you are thinking about law school, Law School Forums are an excellent resource for you. We are fortunate enough to have one right here in Atlanta on Friday 10/28.  There will be workshops from 10am to 5pm. (If you can’t attend, there are videos of some of these workshops available here.) And there will be opportunities to meet with law school representatives from noon until 5:00pm. Click here to register (you will need an LSAC account to do so, which is something you need anyway prior to taking the LSAT and going through the admissions process). If you speak with representatives, you should treat it like a formal interview–thus, make sure to dress and act professionally and put your best foot forward. Prior to attending, make sure to reach out to members of GSU’s pre-law advising network for advice on how to make the most of the experience.


AmericasMart Atlanta
240 Peachtree Street NW
Atlanta, GA 30303