mgreen38's Blog

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Marlon A, Walker and Kent, d Johnson “Too full buses” worries DeKalb drivers and parents. Atlanta journal constitution my full school bus. October (2015)

“DeKalb school buses have been known to sit in traffic” Kent D. Jonson. There are too many student on board the bus, the school district in DeKalb has added some routes and changed others and are seeking 30 new bus drivers. With there being a bus driver shortage there are students with no where to sit in the buses some even standing in aisles. School bus drivers have been complaining at school board meetings, about wages and work conditions. To help this situation the superintendent needs to higher more bus drivers and raise the pay of bus drivers.The students are in their safety of the bus driving official before after leaving school so the bus drivers need to be safe but especially the children on the bus.

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