Coffin of Inspiration

What was once a Cinema Encyclopedia has now become a coffin of inspiration. This project was a process of trial and tribulation. I had many plans for the book that fell through (Literally), so when i finally settled on an idea, it felt right. Movies have always been a source of inspiration for me, especially a good coming of age story. I wanted this project to represent some of that inspiration i feel when i watch movies and what’s important about them to me, which is the friendships i see, the romance, the sadness, and joy. Which is a lot of what I felt making this. 


Compassion Project

When I think about compassion I also think of empathy. I think of Women, and I think of being selfless. When this project was assigned, the overturn of Roe. V Wade was fresh news that was heavy on my heart and mind. I wanted to show compassion for women that was empowering with a romantic feel for it.  I wanted it to feel strong but elegant when viewed by women of all backgrounds. 

The hero

My hero listens to their body and rests when life is getting too hard to keep up with. Prioritizing wellness is can be a tough job when you’re moving at a million miles a minute. This semester I have felt like my own hero, with the balance that I practiced in my everyday life with work, and school and mental health. When I started school, again during COVID i was really focused. It was nice because I was able to stay home and do school work all day, but with life picking back up it’s been hard to find that balance again, so I chose rest as my superpower. We need more time to rest in life without feeling bad about it. Recharging is essential.