ENGL 2110

Intro to World Lit


ENGL 2120

Intro to British Lit


ENGL 2130

Intro to American Lit


ENGL 3105

Practical Grammar


ENGL 3040: Introduction to Literary Studies

Materials, methods, and terminology used in the discipline of literary studies. This course develops the skillset required for effective critical writing and introduces the forms, genres, critical theories available for advanced interpretation and analysis.

 M/W  12:30  or  T/R  9:30

ENGL 3350: Literature and War

From Homer’s Odyssey and Virigl’s Æneid, to Julius Caesar’s account of his wars in Gaul, to monster-fighting in Beowulf or the idealized chivalric combat of the high middle ages, to the revolutionary upheavals of early modernity or the horrors of industrialized conflict, war has been a persistent setting and theme for Western literature. Can there be a “just” war? Can violence be controlled without more violence? This course examines texts that explore the relationship between violence and civilization.


ENGL 3510: Later 18th-Century British Literature

Poems, novels, and nonfiction of the later 1700s examined topics of growing importance in their day and still significant in ours, notably gender, race, freedom, and slavery. Authors to be discussed include William Blake, Hannah More, Mary Wollstonecraft, Olaudah Equiano, and William Godwin.

SNOW  M/W  9:30

ENGL 3610: Love and Death in Victorian Poetry

Victorian poets sought to create taste and value, construct gender definitions, and forge national identity — all while reflecting on love and mortality. Early in the twentieth century, Freud hypothesized that two dominant impulses drove human experience the drive to life and the drive to death. This course will test Freud’s hypothesis against the poetry of love and death so central to Victorian experience.

SCHMIDT  T/R  9:30

ENGL 3720: 20th-Century English Poetry

Five representative writers – T. S. Eliot, W. H. Auden, Philip Larkin, Stevie Smith, and Warsan Shire – focus our conversations about the poetic tradition, about avant-garde resistance to conventions, about difficulty (and simplicity) in modern poetry, and about how this poetry relates to other contemporary cultural activities and while broaching wider social and political concerns in the 20th and 21st centuries.


ENGL 3895: Graphic Novels

Introduction to the critical study of comics and graphic novels. Do we judge graphic novels by literary standards? If not, what standards do we use? How do text and image function differently in combination? This course examines the common techniques, themes, genres, and styles that have developed over the history of comics. (Hybrid course.)

COLLINS  T/R  3:45

ENGL 3940: Postcolonial Literature

This course introduces students to literature from formerly colonized countries through a selection of major authors: Dionne Brand, J.M. Coetzee, Jamaica Kincaid, Arundhati Roy, Tayeb Salih, and Derek Walcott. Examining topics such as hybridity, resistance, trauma, nationalism, diaspora, and feminism, we will discuss how postcolonial literature presents an aesthetic and ethical challenge to the Anglo-American literary “canon.”


ENGL 3975: Later Indigenous Literature

An introduction to modern and contemporary Native American writers, such as D’Arcy McNickle, Lynn Riggs, Leslie Marmon Silko, Louise Erdrich, Thomas King, Louis Owens, Sherman Alexie, Luci Tapahonso, Joy Harjo, Allison Adelle Hedge Coke, Deborah Miranda, Gerald Vizenor, and Ofelia Zepeda. The course will address debates about colonialism, cultural appropriation, and tribal sovereignty. We will also focus on how each writer locates stories within specific tribal worldviews, articulates individual and collective identities, and constructs a distinct voice in conversation with oral, literary, and graphic traditions.

CAISON  T/R  12:45

ENGL 3995: Feminism, Gender, and Sexuality in and out of Psychoanalytic Theory

Is psychoanalytic theory a radical description or a reactionary endorsement of the patriarchal sex/gender system? Are psychoanalytic accounts of the development of normative femininity and masculinity within this system compatible or incompatible with social-constructionist accounts of gender? To explore these and other questions, we will work through texts by Sigmund Freud, Jacques Lacan, Juliet Mitchell, Jacqueline Rose, Gayle Rubin, Judith Butler, Tim Dean, Judith Roof, Patricia Gherovici, and Mari Ruti.

THOMAS  M/W  12:30

ENGL 4010: Topics in African American Literature

Advanced study of writing, art, and music emerging from or addressed to a particular movement in African American history. Possible topics include but are not limited to slave narratives, the Harlem Renaissance, Black Arts, and hip hop.

HEATH  T/R  2:15

ENGL 4030: Literature & the City

Join our Publishing Field School during Spring Break. This course is taught on location in New York, NY. The Field School is designed to introduce students to the publishing houses and agencies. The program also incorporates visits to cultural sites, museums, theatre productions, and literary reading. Email heather@gsu.edu for authorization. 


ENGL 4101: Faulkner

Advanced study of Faulkner’s major works, from The Sound and the Fury to Go Down, Moses. In response to Faulkner’s character Gavin Stevens saying, “The past is never dead. It’s not even past” (quoted by Woody Allen, Barack Obama, a World Bank blogger, and many others), we will interrogate what the fiction of America’s premier modernist has to say to twenty-first century readers, that is, how we understand and accept the past and look to the future.

McHANEY  M/W  3:30

ENGL 4101: Bob Dylan

This class explores Bob Dylan’s recordings, performances, and lyrics, to assess his impact on American music and popular culture, as well as his contributions to the American canon of poetry. For our final project, students will write and record their own lyrics inspired by Dylan’s work. This CD recording will be produced in cooperation with the Department of Music.


ENGL 4110: Chaucer

This course will explore the foundations of British poetry by approaching medieval literature and culture through the works of Geoffrey Chaucer, a multilingual middle-class servant, soldier, and amateur scholar. Through short poems and selected Canterbury Tales, we will examine the interrelated roles of medieval poetics, social relations, and the technologies of literacy, war, and craft. 


ENGL 4140: Shakespeare, Later Works

Selected works from the second half of Shakespeare’s career, such as Othello, The Winter’s Tale, King Lear, Macbeth, and The Tempest.

VOSS  M/W  3:30

ENGL 4300: Senior Seminar

This course encourages real-world understanding and application of theoretical approaches (psychoanalytical, historicist, materialist, gender/race, etc.), and thus affords us as a class the opportunity to explore the transferability of the English major’s skill set from an academic to a non-academic setting. For English majors only.

NOBLE  T/R  3:45