Veronica Rowe, Ph.D.

Occupational Therapy Assistant Professor

Video Introduction | MyNCBI Bibliography | Research Seminar Video

I.  General Research Interest 

  1. Neurorehabilitation after stroke or other brain injury
    1.  Hemiparetic upper extremity 
      a.  Task oriented training 
      b.  Constraint Induced Movement Therapy (CIMT) 
    2.  Physical and functional assessments 
      a.  Fugl-Meyer Assessment for the Upper Extremity 
      b.  Wolf Motor Function Test 
      c.  Functional Test for the Hemiparetic Upper extremity 
      d.  Stroke Impact Scale and Motor Activity Log 
  2. Knowledge translation 

II.  Current Research Projects 

  1. TRANScranial direct current stimulation for POst-stroke motor Recovery – a phase II sTudy (TRANSPORT 2). In charge of standardizing all evaluators and maintaining ongoing fidelity of outcome assessment administration, and adjudicating all scores of the primary outcome measure. 
  2. Taking Off Pounds after Stroke (TOPS) research study – In charge of Fugl-Meyer training and standardization. 

III.  Research Skills  

  1. Research project management and recruitment 
  2. Quantitative research methodologies 
  3. Developing, implementing and evaluating interventions  
  4. Teaching, standardizing administration, and monitoring assessments for research studies 

Occupational Therapy


Adult patient population

Geriatric patient population


Brain injury

Hemiparetic upper extremity

Task oriented training

Constraint Induced Movement Therapy (CIMT)

Fugl-Meyer Assessment for the Upper Extremity

Wolf Motor Function Test

Functional Test for the Hemiparetic Upper extremity

Stroke Impact Scale

Motor Activity Log

Knowledge translation