Moving Forward: Teaching in Uncertain Times

Community Blog on online, hybrid, and F2F teaching during the pandemic

Consider a DIY GIFT for mid-semester feedback

Another option for collecting mid-semester teaching feedback is to host your own class GIFT (Group Instructional Feedback Technique) session. The goal of a GIFT is to collect mid-semester qualitative feedback in such a way that students can interact remotely, see and respond to classmate comments, help you see common areas of support and concern. To do this you will need to be able to use Google docs. We don’t recommend using a Microsoft doc via Sharepoint because students won’t be ale to post anonymous comments.

The five main GIFT questions are:

What does the instructor do that helps with your learning?

What changes/improvements to the course would promote your learning?

What do you do that facilitates your learning?

What might you do to improve your learning?

What is the hardest thing to learn in the class?

We recommend that you also include a question asking students how they are doing


One way to facilitate a GIFT for an asynchronous online course using Google docs:

1) Set-up a Google doc for your class that includes the questions above (or additional questions you many want to ask).

2) Click the blue Share button at the top right and make sure that it is set so that anyone with the link can edit.

3) Then share the link to the document with your class (do not add their email addresses). This will allow your students to be able to participate anonymously.

4) You can share the link in a course announcement and include the directions suggestion below.

One way to facilitate a GIFT for a synchronous online course using Google docs. :

1) set-up a Google doc for your class that includes the questions above (or additional questions you many want to ask).

2) click the blue Share button at the top right and make sure that it is set so that anyone with the link can edit.

3) Then share the link to the document (do not add their email addresses) with your class during the synchronous session via the chat box.  This will allow your students to be able to participate anonymously. Let them know the time frame the document will be available to edit.

Don’t forget to include directions to accompany the link. Consider something like this:

Please add your responses after each question. When you add your answers please read all of the other responses and feel free to comment if you agree or disagree. The goal of this feedback is for the entire class to participate so I can see how you are all doing and feeling and for you to connect with your classmates about how the course is going so far.

lcarruth • October 15, 2020

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