A Personal Site Response of the Ebenezer Baptist Church

Historic Ebenezer Baptist Church Gary Tarleton, HFC, NPS link here

Historic Ebenezer Baptist Church
Gary Tarleton, HFC, NPS

I think it’s a worth while pursuit to understand the historical context of this church, especially given how well-known Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. is today – but even without it, the building is sure to feel distinct from the surrounding areas. I always feel like traditional churches stand out in most places, since the architecture is so strikingly different from the modern style of housing; it’s weird to see that gothic framework next to street signs and traffic lights. The stained glass windows are particularly recognizable as you pretty much only see those in churches anymore, and they seem to communicate an elegance that separates the structure from more modern architecture.

PSR: The Children’s Museum of Atlanta

I almost wish I could’ve made it here before the museum closed. I’ll swear on my life that I never want kids, but seeing children smiling is one of those things that makes me feel all warm inside, like everything’s okay and the world is beautiful after all.

My drawing of the site

My drawing of the site

The staircase outside the Children’s Museum is short and confined on both sides, enciting that cosy feeling I get when sitting in a corner or wrapped up in a blanket — open enough to ease the claustrophobia but enclosed enough to feel safe. There’s something pleasantly serene about the mostly empty streets around the area that reminds me of being in school after everyone’s gone home, or waking up while it’s still dark. The world seems to settle, and nothing much matters anymore. Sitting here on the staircase, I remember there is quiet in the universe.