I will be the first to admit that I have rarely utilized anything in the University Library besides the printing kiosks and with two years under my belt, it’s a bit embarrassing to say so. With this class really honing in on the usage of the library databases, I finally had an excuse to go to the librarians and ask them about the 411 in databases,study room reservations, and reserve usages. She first showed me how to look books and catalogs up on my own computer with the http://library.gsu.edu/ website. There I saw that the links provide a wide array of tools like looking up reserved books or looking up academic journals that the university houses. My librarian showed me exactly how to search for this week’s readings on the databases as well. This new way of searching for scholarly articles definetly made research projects easier to source. I noticed that through the website, the library provides a vast array of tools besides the printing kiosks that I have previously been familiar with. This being my first post on my blog for this class sets a good base for the rest of my summaries and other postings.