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Goodbye GSU 1010, Thanks for Everything :)

Dear Future Panther,

I don’t care who says it and how many times they say it: GSU 1010 is not a pointless class. Yes, it is easy if you do the work but so many freshman don’t take this class seriously and end up failing the class. GSU 1010 is very beneficial if you utilize it in the right way. This class can’t help you get around campus, get involved, be more outgoing, help you manage your money wisely, help you make your schedule on the upcoming year, and the list goes on. It teaches you many things unimaginable. GSU 1010 has taught me that spending money just because you have it is not a good idea. It is good to save even if it is only 10 dollars every other week, you should still save. Saving teaches you great responsibility and helps keep money in your pocket. Another thing this class taught me is how to relax and not overwhelm myself with school work. We once had upperclassmen GSU students attend our class to tell us about getting involved. They mentioned how volunteering and helping organize school events help relax them and get their mind off all the work sometimes. They also mention how being involved was a great incentive to do their work on time. DO NOT PROCRASTINATE in college, you won’t get away with it like you did in high school. If there are things that need to be done you should get them done before you go out and do things you want to do. It’s a lot less stressful and the fun is a lot more enjoyable. I swear knowing you have nothing to do the next day because you did it ahead of time feels way better than cramming the next day. Trust me, I’ve been there but once GSU 1010 taught me about time management skills I got better at things like that. I bought an agenda, wrote down my schedule, and anything that was due for this week and the following week. Invest in an agenda, it helped me to stay organized and stay on top of my work. So, you see I mention to being organize. Well, that’s just another great tip. If you’re organized you don’t feel like your life is all over the place. GSU 1010 helps you get a good grip on your life it just really focuses on you having a successful first year in college and the rest of your college experience being smooth. It is possible to have a smooth 4 years in college you just have to prioritize, that is what’s most important. Hang with friends in your spare time, it’s okay just make sure school comes first at all times. Speaking of friends GSU 1010 is a great class to meet new friends. These people make you feel comfortable because you realize you’re not alone. There are other freshman who are just as nervous and stressed out as you. You guys eventually bond over classes and you realize you have other things in common too. Good connections are made in this class and you learn a lot about yourself that may help you grow. I know it did for me, which is why I’m glad I took advantage of the class. GSU 1010 is a great class so take it seriously and you too can be a better person.

30 Days to break a bad habit

Last night I was up writing a paper. I sat up for at least an hour and hadn’t even gotten a full paragraph, Why? Because my phone continuously lit up with new notifications from my Facebook, snap chat, and twitter and it came naturally to check any new notification.. Plus I hate having that red dot on the top of my square icon constantly reminding me I have an unread notification;it drives me crazy!!! Every five to ten minutes I check my phone and refresh my timeline. I love all of the likes and the comments on my pictures, the funny pictures and videos that others post, and it was how I felt connected to the world.  Only since I’ve been in college have I realized that social networks are like an addiction for me I thought about it all day and I didn’t understand how I let it get that far. It all started with my first MySpace and from there I was sucked into this unfiltered, mind controlling social media world. It’s like I love and hate it at the same time. In George Orwell’s “1984″ he introduced a new word, “doublethink”. Doublethink means basically that you know better than what you’re being told is right but it’s being forcefully thrown at you so you soon start to second guess your own thoughts. That’s the best way to describe what’s going on because I know that these social networks aren’t healthy for me and take up way too much of my time. Today marks the day that I will no longer use any of my social networks  for 30 days. I did not deactivate any of them I simply deleted the apps off of my phone so that I wont be so tempted to get on. Let’s see how this turns out shall we !!!

How I learn..


Overall, I am a kinesthetic learner, which means that I am hands on and learn more from examples and past experiences. I sketched a photo of hands to represent this. When I am able to connect things that I’ve experienced with things that I have learned it is able to stick and I always remember. Things such as field trips, tours,  real life examples, pictures and graphs, finding solutions to problems, and real life experiences help me grasp the necessary material.  When taking notes I like to sketch photos of what I may be studying. They may be stick people with key words from my assignment coming from their mouths or a house full of vocabulary words and short definitions, just really whatever helps the information stick.  Also, when i take notes they are usually limited because too many words at one time makes me lose focus. Asking questions helps me understand the material better too. For tests or exams I make my own test questions and try to answer without multiple choices and if it’s essays I just constantly rewrite the essay to remember it. This way of learning has always been how I learned at my best. I’ve never been able to just listen to a lecture because I am usually easily bored and distracted.

College is the life.. Right?

funny-college-humor-pictures-dumpaday-28Yeah college is the life, but don’t get lost in the sauce. There are so many things to do on campus and off campus. There are so many parties and so much freedom, but if you aren’t headstrong and focused you’ll follow into the traps of failure. Trying to hangout, party, and do homework is a struggle. It’s hard to balance the three, because there are so many things you want to do and so many things you have to do. It’s all about getting your priorities in line and thinking about what matters now and what will still be there later. My mom always tells me to work hard and play later, because it is true the parties won’t stop and your friends will probably be just as busy as you and won’t be able to hangout. So, yes college is the life as long as you’re doing what you need to, suppose to, and eventually want to. There are plenty organizations and volunteer work that is just for you. Look into it, build a life, live, and have fun. College are the best years they say and as far as my freshman year in college is concerned, I’m having fun and enjoying the freedom (for now, lol).

I got to make time for that #timemanagement

After making my time schedule I realize that most of my time is spent in class and socializing. I can rule out the socializing, which is what I will have to work on in the near future. I enjoy being with my friends and I tend to spend a lot time with them, whether I’m studying or eating with them. I realize I spend too much time with them and I hardly get anything done. I tend to be more productive when I am alone, so I should stick to that. Another thing that is a struggle for me when trying to keep track time, is the lack if sleep. I’m usually up pass 12 doing homework, because I decided to procrastinate. In order to avoid naps and procrastination I will start my homework right after classes each day and make sure I complete my homework and go to bed at a reasonable time.

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Ideal schedule

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Actual schedule


SMART Goal reflection:

1. Earn a 3.0 or higher

2. Earn an internship

3. Become a mentor

4. Join organizations

5. Obtain leadership positions

Timeline: In order to earn an internship, I will study very hard to main a 3.0 GPA or higher each semester and obtain the best grade possible for any given assignment. Checking my grades on a regular and meeting with any of my teachers for assistance will also help, so that I am able to stay on track. I will join organizations that will help me earn an internship and eventually work my way up for even better opportunities.

S: Earn an internship

M: Maintain a 3.0 or higher in all my courses, making a’s and b’s

A: I will attend each of my classes each time the class meets and join organizations that will help me earn an internship

R: As long as I am doing what I am suppose to do, this goal is realistic.

T: Junior year in college

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