herbert z. duarto

Just another Georgia State University site


an active word

efficacy- something that one has that others do not have, a belief that enhance enthusiasm and activeness.


Words from study section

1) devolution-the passing down of authority from the national government to the state or local governments.

2) praxis-the cycle between action and reflection that is fundamental for social change.

3) commiserate-to sympathize with another.

4) poignant-painful, causing physical or psychological pain.

5) impute- to attribute (responsibility or fault)to a cause or source.

6) quench- to cool down, to eradicate, snuff out. get rid of.

7) annihilate- to wipe out, eliminate, or extinguish, decimate

8) multifarious- having many aspects. multifarious noise of a large crowd.

9) agglutinate-to cleave onto. united as if by glue.

10) delineate-specify, distinguish, limn, describe, portray.


Unit 1 FBED

This is Interstate 20 in Atlanta. An over pass is exposed right in the middle of this image. Trucks and construction vehicles are in the opposite or oncoming lanes. There is an exit sign slightly above the upper right hand corner of the picture. A tractor trailer is ahead of two vehicles just passing the exit lane. The car in between the truck and the van behind is positioned as it is going to exit the traffic.


Unit 2 FBED

This is the Decatur Transit Station.

The building is facing towards the street from the subway entrance. East Decatur Station

A white cloth hanging in front the entrance to the back side of the building

A gentleman is walking into the other building. Two poles with concrete at

the bottom the hold the glass verrender to the entrance.

The wheel accessible building has pedestrain cross walk right infront of the

east side of the station. The tree on the left side of the building has a shadow

that creates a nice shade in the field. The green color of the building blend with

the blue sky and a gray metal vender on top of the building. The reflection from

the glass doors make the front view nice and bright for a better out look. The from

yard is designed with solid concrete which makes the guaranteed in foundation.

There is a flower pod with an image of a circle unity tree hanging slightly above it.


Searching for a suitable topic for my final paper

To be successful in any endeavor requires a decent decision. I am went to the library to start my final paper. I’ve got a lot of topics to choose from, but I spent more than twenty-five minutes deciding which one will I have access to. The tools that I will need to explore this topic. But I think I should take time to revisit those topics.


Recognizing compus cont2

The author of this passage is writing that the American audience has an expectation of  university campus to be totally different from other places. An arena that should have a look that portrait a quality academic life and a perfect representation of the community in which the campus exits. Today’s university is perceived as to have resilient spaces, and more than academic upgrade, classroom additions, and its academic buildings; as a site that provides holistic learning space. Learning is a life long and year round pursuit which takes place through out the campus, not just a fragmented indoors in designated instructional spaces. “One fifth of a student’s time is spent in the classroom,”  Radloff noted. Contributing about one quarter of the total variance.


My visit to Mrs. A’s office

I visited Mrs. A in her office on Friday, September 30, I was to understand from her how to insert photos in my block posts.


(no title)


Liberia, Monrovia, Water-Side Super Market


Sarah Schindler Article- My Response

Part I of this article is about how the built Environment can impact and shape our behaviors and actions. It is an unseen power instrument designed to regulate our behavior. The Built Environment is as powerful as law because it “allows the government to shape our actions without realizing the fact that our experience has been deliberately shaped”. The article is about the literature that talks about infrastructure placement and format symbolic or physical contributors to economic and social inequality, exclusion, and isolation in society. These concepts are fundamentally structured for planners and architects to use. Yet, only a small number of legal scholars consider the regulations or the role that the Built Environment impose on us. Law makers and Judges should be diligent when analyzing the exclusionary impacts of architecture, but research indicate that they often give these impacts little or no consideration.

Part II of this article spots out the different ways the practice of architectural exclusion by municipalities through actions from different participants that create infrastructure to restrict passage and access to certain areas of the community. Those Built Environs that create impediments for access to certain community include: low bridges, road closings, construction of walls, and parking-by-permit-only requirements. The author of this article is making a genuine argument; and her points are very productive of discussion. There are reasonable explanations and  points that she made in both parts I and II to allow her audience(s) to think rhetorically about the action of the Built Environment in our community.



contemporary usage of rhetoric

la la la la la

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