Current Research

Mobile Application Choice Study (MAC Study):

Mobile applications (apps) have been found to effectively address various behavioral health concerns, but can also face low engagement and minimal sustained use by current and potential app users. The MAC Study primarily examines whether giving individuals a choice between more than one mental health mobile app ultimately impacts how they engage with the app (time spent, pages visited, frequency of use, etc.). Additionally, the study aims to illuminate the relationship between mood, anxiety, and support and mobile app use.

Acceptability of Internet-Based Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (Acceptability Study): 

The Acceptability Study examines the effectiveness of two interventions designed to increase acceptability and actual use of internet-based cognitive behavioral therapy (iCBT) programs in both a college and community sample. Treatment-seeking behavior is assessed by providing respondents with a link to a second survey where they may indicate interest in publicly available computer and smartphone-based mental health programs. 

Outcome Probability Bias Task Study: 

Outcome probability bias is the tendency to overestimate the likelihood of a negative outcome and is theorized to maintain symptoms of social anxiety disorder. The ART lab has created a computer task designed to measure outcome probability bias using social imagery. We will be conducting a confirmatory factor analysis as well as evaluating a biomarker for stress in relation to social anxiety disorder.