Annotation Key Points:

Beyond a Narrow Conception of Usability Testing:

-Consider some of the decisions faced by a particular study- how to measure using, what to consider successful, or where in the development cycle to conduct the test.
-How to measure usability: effectiveness, efficiency, satisfaction (view product development cycle)
-The idea of building a framework (later stated) should include the use of multiple test group/subjects within that individual study

Wicked Problems in Technical Communication:

-Instructors of technical communication are uniquely positioned to engage students with concrete problems in local workplaces and community settings. The curriculum of students today is structured and doesn’t seem to allow for the engagement this article discusses
-Technical communicators are crafty rhetors; technical communication is a form of rhetoric. Technical communication is a means to convey scientific, engineering, or other technical information.
-we are equipping students with practical skills that they can use to obtain employment and write for the workplace

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