Menus and Contact Information: Octane Coffee and Bar (4)

This is the menu at Octane Coffee and Bar. The menus are posted around the register on clipboards and are made of paper. The pricing to portion size is fair to me personally, but may seem high to others. The menu itself is very simple with the beverages listed and the price. No description is visible on the menu and the only way to find out is to ask.

Below is the contact card that can be picked up.

List of locations, contact information and social media links.
Creative use of wording. "Refuel" at a place called Octane.
Creative use of wording. “Refuel” at a place called Octane. Also the deal of 10 coffee bevs and get one free. Encourages customers to hold on to the card.

54 thoughts on “Menus and Contact Information: Octane Coffee and Bar (4)

  1. Thanks for sharing the menu and contact information for Octane Coffee and Bar. It’s great to know that the pricing to portion size is fair, and the creative use of wording on the contact card is a nice touch at my location

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