My own color walk

During the middle of class Mrs A encouraged the class to go out for our own color walk. She gave us a time limit and we were on our way. I picked the color orange and went where the color took me.


I walked out of Sparks Hall and first noticed the beautiful flowers on the sides of the buildings. I didn’t realize till that day how many cute little flowers had grown all over the campus due springs arrival. I made my way across the street where i heard a bus turning, i quickly snapped a shot because i saw the letters on the bus were orange.


As i walked around Hurt Park i spotted the obvious orange traffic barrels looking abandoned on the side of the street. I continued my walk around Hurt Park and along the Robert W. Woodruff Volunteer Service Center were some orange table umbrellas. I also noticed a Starbucks sign on the window and peeked in a bit. I had no idea there was a small cafe in that building.

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i was now walking down Edgewood Ave and ended up in a small parking lot where i saw a cute bright orange KIA. These cars are so adorable. I couldn’t find more orange as i continued down the road but i looked down to find some orange spray paint beside the University lofts.. what does this mean anyway?



My time was up so i headed back to the classroom and we shared our experiences. I personally enjoyed this strange but fun activity. I started at Sparks Hall and ended up in an ally by the University Lofts.

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