Last Post on class Chilopoda!

Bonato, Lucio, et al. “Evolution of Strigamia Centipedes (Chilopoda): A First Molecular Assessment of Phylogeny and Divergence Times.” Zoologica Scripta, vol. 46, no. 4, July 2017, pp. 486–495. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1111/zsc.12234.

We have come to our final study on class Chilopoda. As we saw before, centipedes are creepy animals but they do have awesome characteristics that makeup how they fit into the world. Centipedes are one of the most widespread predators in the soil throughout the world. Lucio Bonato and his colleagues studied the developmental processes and the genetic control of the arthropod body of the species Strigamia maritima. This study also focused on exploiting both mitochondrial and nuclear genes. They presented the first molecular analysis of the phylogenetic relationships between Strigamia and encompassing most of its overall morphological and ecological variation. The authors’ hypothesis is to be able to create a phylogenic tree to understand the evolutionary and biogeographical history of the centipede species Strigamia. 

In order to understand this article on centipedes, I will discuss with you some important terms used throughout the article. Bonato et al. are studying the body segments of centipedes. This includes the number of body segments, forcipules, and coxal organs. Forcipules are a modified pincer-like foreleg in centipedes, capable of injecting venom. The forcipules are the most important features located on the centipede because they use them for locomotion, protection, and to eat prey. Specimens of Strigamia were collected from the Northern Hemisphere field and their DNA was extracted. PCR method was used to then obtain good-quality DNA sequences. From the gene sequence collected, these scientists were able to make phylogenetic trees representing the genes taken from Strigamia maritim DNA samples. There are still so many unknown species of centipedes left to explore. 

How do these findings apply to broader issues in science and/or the world? This experiment was the first to do a molecular assessment on Strigamia. Going into this blog, there was not too much information on centipedes. The most interesting thing I found was their forcipules. So these findings can open new doors about centipedes and it can offer new information. These findings can also encourage more people to study the centipedes. 

How are these findings unique/new/unusual? I thought that this experiment and article focused on how important it is to go deeper into a species and find out more information. The class Chilopoda does not have that many animals to explore. The fact that these scientists were able to do the first molecular assessment on Strigamia is truly amazing. They were able to build more phylogenetic trees for the species and it is awesome how they contained samples from places all over the Northern Hemisphere. 



Bonato, Lucio, et al. “Evolution of Strigamia Centipedes (Chilopoda): A First Molecular Assessment of Phylogeny and Divergence Times.” Zoologica Scripta, vol. 46, no. 4, July 2017, pp. 486–495. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1111/zsc.12234.



Breathtaking Algae Blooms

Welcome to our final discussion on the beautiful microorganism algae! This week we will talk about one of the algae that interest me the most which are the phytoplankton. Phytoplankton is microscopic marine algae. These microalgae are the base of many aquatic food webs; they provide food and nutrition for many sea creatures including shrimp, snails, and jellyfish. Phytoplankton contains chlorophyll and requires much sunlight in order to live and grow. Most of these microorganisms are buoyant and float in the surface of the ocean to receive their sunlight. They use energy from the sunlight to make their own food through photosynthesis. Phytoplankton needs inorganic nutrients such as nitrates, phosphates, and sulfur in which they are able to convert into proteins, fats, and carbohydrates. An interesting event that phytoplankton is able to go through is an “algae bloom”. Algae bloom is when phytoplankton reproduces at a fast rate and multiplying rapidly in a little amount of time. When a bloom takes place, the phytoplankton is found in the water at high concentrations which can cause the water to become a beautiful turquoise color. However, there must be the right conditions met in order for the phytoplankton to grow. Nitrogen and phosphorus are the two most important nutrients for phytoplankton to grow in. Iron, zinc, and manganese are also essential nutrients needed in the water for phytoplankton growth.

A photograph of phytoplankton under actinic lighting.





How can blooms impact our ecosystem? Blooms have the capability to block out or reduce the sunlight reaching the bottom of the ocean which has all the plants which some animals live off of. In this case, these losses can lead to changes in the fish environment and invertebrate population. Low dissolved oxygen levels (DO) are often affected by the blooms. These low levels of DO in the water can lead to fish kills. Another downfall to these blooms is that a few species of phytoplankton have the capability of producing toxins or poisons, which can have negative impacts on humans and animals. An example of a harmful bloom is the “red tide” that is sometimes seen in Florida, U.S.A waters. These red tides can cause respiratory irritation in swimmers and cause seafood to be unfit for consumption by humans.

Low dissolved oxygen in the water can lead to fish kills.
Different species of phytoplankton shown magnified.









In 2017, a “plankton explosion” turned the Bosphorus in Istanbul, Turkey a breathtaking turquoise color. On a calm day in spring, the blue waters of the Bosphorus started to turn a milky turquoise color which alarmed the whole country into thinking this was a huge pollution spill. Scientists then confirmed that this change of watercolor was due to one of the most successful life-forms on the planet, Emiliania huxleyi. This single-celled phytoplankton organism is only visible under a microscope and it amazes the world at its ability to thrive in waters. This plankton explosion was so bright that NASA was able to see it from space. Nasa explained that the change in color was caused by indeed a population of phytoplankton that is covered in calcium carbonate plates. Along with the beautiful color that it gave the Bosphorus, environmental science professor Ahmet Cemal Saydam tells that this species of Emiliania huxleyi is a blessing because it can feed marine life, especially anchovies.

Blooming Bosphorus: The waterway that divides Turkey between Europe and Asia has turned a unique turquoise color thanks to blooming algae called phytoplankton. 

NASA sees algae bloom from space.










Algae are beautiful microorganisms that have the capability to help Earth live. Along with plants, they produce oxygen more than anything else in this world. Algae is carbon neutral which can help Earth’s environment by taking CO2 from the air. They are the beginning of the food chain for many animals and our oceans would not be the same without algae. Some say that algae are the most important organism on the planet. I say that algae are one of the most important microorganisms that benefit our planet Earth greatly. I hope you enjoyed my blog on algae and thank you for reading!                                                          


YouTube Video:



The Life of Cyanobacteria Algae

Welcome back to our discussion on algae! This week we will be focusing on algae as a eukaryote and explore its life cycle. Algae can be prokaryotic organisms as well as microbial eukaryotes. We will focus on cyanobacteria, also known as prokaryotic blue-green algae. Cyanobacteria contain chlorophyll a, which is the same photosynthetic pigment that plants use; in fact, the chloroplast in plants is a symbiotic cyanobacterium. Cyanobacteria play an important role in the health and growth of many plants; they are important in the nitrogen cycle. These organisms are one of the few groups that can convert inert atmospheric nitrogen into nitrate or ammonia. These “fixed” forms of nitrogen help plants for growth. Cyanobacteria also form a symbiotic relationship with many fungi forming complex organisms called lichens.

Algae are capable of photosynthesis and produce their own food/nourishment by using sunlight and carbon dioxide. Most algae are photoautotrophs; they use the light to create energy to generate nutrients. However, there are some algae that obtain their nutrition from outside sources which make them heterotrophic. Some algae can generate “osmotrophy” which is the absorption of dissolved substances and some algae can generate “phagotrophy” which involves consuming bacteria or similar prey. Some algae can be auxotrophs which only need to obtain their nutrients from vitamins such as B12 complex or fatty acids.

Algae have the capability to reproduce through asexual, vegetative methods, or sexual reproduction. Asexual reproduction involves the production of a motile spore or binary fission.  Vegetative methods involve mitosis cell division to produce identical offspring. Sexual reproduction involves the union of gametes through meiosis.

Enjoy this video on the cyanobacteria: photosynthetic prokaryotes. 

Cyanobacteria are unique in being able to go through a process of nitrogen fixation. This image shows the process that the cyanobacterium goes through to fix nitrogen.




Brock Biology of Microorganisms, 15thEdition. Madigan, Martinko, Stahl & Clark.

Youtube video: 


Cell Structure of Green Algae

Welcome back to my blog! This week we will be diving through the cell structure of Chlorophyta, which is commonly known as green algae in microbiology. Green algae are very similar to plants and are closely connected to plants phylogenetically. Green algae are unicellular, multicellular, colonial, or coenocytic eukaryotes that obtain nourishment by photosynthesis. They are eukaryotic so this means they contain a nucleolus. They grow and inhabit freshwater, saltwater or in aquatic environments. Some green algae grow on and inside rocks. The green algae that cover the Bosphorus have made this body of water their special home as access to food and nutrients in a good environment. Members of the green algae expand to more than 7,000 species on planet Earth. The green alga Ostreococcus tauri is a common unicellular species of marine phytoplankton that has a diameter of approximately 2 μm. At the colonial level in green algae comes the microbe Volvox. This alga forms colonies composed of several hundred flagellated cells and contains 15, 634 genes. Most of the Volvox are motile while some carry out photosynthesis and others specialize in reproduction. Dunaliella is a single-celled, flagellated green alga which is about 5 μm wide and contains 18,801 genes. The plant-like green alga, Chara. Micrasterias is a multilobed cell which is about 100 μm wide. Many of the green algae are not motile but if they are, the flagella will be attached to the single cell and colonial green algae. The motile single-celled can be spherical, oblong pear-shaped and also elongated. According to a gram stain of algae (cyanobacteria), this microbe is classified as a gram-negative bacterium. Green algae have chloroplasts that contain chlorophyll giving them a bright green color. This microbe’s cell walls contain cellulose and they store carbohydrate in the form of starch. They do not have roots, stems, or leaves but they still resemble plants a lot. Don’t forget to visit back next week to read about the life cycle of the green algae!

A single-celled flagellated green algae, Dunaliella microbe.
Volvox carteri colony with eight daughter colonies.









Photograph of a limestone rock that has green algae growing inside of it. This microbe’s name is green alga Trebouxia, found in Antarctica.

Algae Cell Division under the microscope. 



Images and information: Brock Biology of Microorganisms, 15thEdition. Madigan, Martinko, Stahl & Clark.

Beautiful algae on the Bosporus

Over spring break, I had the chance to stroll on the banks of the Bosporus Strait located in Turkey which divides the country between Europe and Asia. There were many breathtaking sites in this beautiful country but the algae on the banks of the Bosporus caught my eye. They shined from miles away and resembled sparkly emeralds surrounding the water. Bright green algae that cover the banks and the shores are a site to stare at. When you first look at them, you may think that they are ruining the banks of the Bosporus, but I am sure that when you take a deeper look you would discover a world of microbes that mean a lot to the Bosporus. I adore marine life and almost every year I visit the Georgia Aquarium; this year I was fascinated by the beautiful algae that create a border for the Bosporus and I knew I wanted to search deeper into this marine microorganism. Green algae, which are also called chlorophytes, have chloroplast which gives them their attractive color. Recently, I read an article on the “plankton explosion” that happened which turned the Bosporus turquoise. Scientists later came out with a statement proving that this explosion of Emiliania huxleyi (plankton) was a blessing for the Black Sea. So, from there I decided to dive deeper into algae which gives this part of the sea its beautiful color. In this blog, together we will be exploring the algae that cover the banks of the Bosporus of Istanbul. We will dive into green algae and their importance in the marine life. Meet me back here in my next post where I will be talking about the features of this microbe.    




Creepy but Heartwarming

Hi class, welcome back to my blog! This week we are talking about maternal care in centipedes. We all know that moms are amazing at everything that they do for us but did you know the amount of time and care a centipede mom puts in for her babies? It all begins with reproduction between a male and female centipede. Centipedes prefer to reproduce during the warm months of the year and during the cold months, they stay dormant. They also only come out in the night to avoid dehydration so they reproduce during the night time. Most species of the centipedes must physically mate to reproduce. To do this, the male centipede needs to produce sperm into a web on the floor, and then he brings in the female by tapping her back legs with her antennae until her rear end reaches the sperm web and is taken into her reproductive organs. What I found the most interesting about the reproduction cycle of female centipedes is that she lays a small number of large eggs and protects them for the full time until they catch. The mother centipede has a strong responsibility to guard them closely. She takes all of her legs and wraps herself around them tightly as if she is giving them a huge hug. She will not even eat for as long as she sits and cares for babies. This behavior is interesting and heartwarming because of not much arthropod moms dedicate this much time to their children. Centipedes are known to be creepy and aggressive creatures so to see this touching moment between a mother centipede and its babies is a nice image. As I mentioned in the last blog, centipedes use their two front legs as venom for prey and predators. In protecting her babies, she will do anything for them to stay safe and to hatch safely. 


Loving centipede mother protecting her babies.








Venomous Claws

Centipedes have one pair of legs per body segment. The first pair of legs have modified into venomous fangs.

Centipedes are predators. They kill their prey with their venom claws and use their mandibles to chew on it. Appendages of the first body segment are modified to form venom claws. These claws may resemble legs but they are not used for locomotion. They do not use these claws for walking purposes; only for capturing prey and eating. These venomous claws act like strong jaws for the centipedes and it helps in predation. The venom is strong enough to imminently attack the cardiovascular, respiratory, muscular, and nervous system of the prey targeted. The largest species of centipedes are able to kill birds, reptiles, and small mammals with the help of these claws. To humans, a centipede bite can be life-threatening because of their venom. 

This is an incredible video of a giant centipede using its venom claws to eat a bat! Notice how the centipede’s venom kills the bat quickly. 
