
• Parker AR, Welch MA, Forster LA, Tasneem SM, Dubhashi JA and Baro DJ (2017) SUMOylation of the Hyperpolarization-Activated Cyclic Nucleotide-Gated Channel 2 (HCN2) Increases Surface Expression and the Maximal Conductance of the Hyperpolarization-Activated Current. Front. Mol. Neurosci. 9:168.

• Krenz WD, Rodgers EW, Baro DJ (2015) Tonic 5nM DA stabilizes neuronal output by enabling bidirectional activity-dependent regulation of the hyperpolarization activated current via PKA and calcineurin. PloS one 10:e0117965.

• Krenz WD, Parker AR, Rodgers EW, Baro DJ (2014) Dopaminergic tone persistently regulates voltage-gated ion current densities through the D1R-PKA axis, RNA polymerase II transcription, RNAi, mTORC1, and translation. Frontiers in cellular neuroscience 8:39.

• Tadesse T, Cheng Q, Xu M, Baro DJ, Young LJ, Pallas SL (2013) Regulation of ephrin-A expression in compressed retinocollicular maps. Dev Neurobiol 73:274-296.

• Rodgers EW, Krenz WD, Jiang X, Li L, Baro DJ (2013) Dopaminergic tone regulates a transient potassium current maximal conductance through a translational mechanism requiring D1Rs, cAMP/PKA, Erk and mTOR. BMC neuroscience 14:143.

• Krenz WD, Hooper RM, Parker AR, Prinz AA, Baro DJ (2013) Activation of high and low affinity dopamine receptors generates a closed loop that maintains a conductance ratio and its activity correlate. Frontiers in neural circuits 7:169.

• Rodgers EW, Krenz WD, Baro DJ (2011) Tonic dopamine induces persistent changes in the transient potassium current through translational regulation. The Journal of neuroscience: the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 31:13046-13056.

• Rodgers EW, Fu JJ, Krenz WD, Baro DJ (2011) Tonic nanomolar dopamine enables an activity-dependent phase recovery mechanism that persistently alters the maximal conductance of the hyperpolarization-activated current in a rhythmically active neuron. The Journal of neuroscience: the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 31:16387-16397.

• Zhang H, Rodgers EW, Krenz WD, Clark MC, Baro DJ (2010) Cell specific dopamine modulation of the transient potassium current in the pyloric network by the canonical D1 receptor signal transduction cascade. J Neurophysiol 104:873-884.

• Shrestha YB, Vaughan CH, Smith BJ, Jr., Song CK, Baro DJ, Bartness TJ (2010) Central melanocortin stimulation increases phosphorylated perilipin A and hormone-sensitive lipase in adipose tissues. Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol 299:R140-149.

• Reyes-Colon D, Vazquez-Acevedo N, Rivera NM, Jezzini SH, Rosenthal J, Ruiz-Rodriguez EA, Baro DJ, Kohn AB, Moroz LL, Sosa MA (2010) Cloning and distribution of a putative octopamine/tyramine receptor in the central nervous system of the freshwater prawn Macrobrachium rosenbergii. Brain research 1348:42-54.

• Oginsky MF, Rodgers EW, Clark MC, Simmons R, Krenz WD, Baro DJ (2010) D(2) receptors receive paracrine neurotransmission and are consistently targeted to a subset of synaptic structures in an identified neuron of the crustacean stomatogastric nervous system. The Journal of comparative neurology 518:255-276.

• Artinian L, Tornieri K, Zhong L, Baro D, Rehder V (2010) Nitric oxide acts as a volume transmitter to modulate electrical properties of spontaneously firing neurons via apamin-sensitive potassium channels. The Journal of neuroscience: the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 30:1699-1711.

• Spitzer N, Edwards DH, Baro DJ (2008) Conservation of structure, signaling and pharmacology between two serotonin receptor subtypes from decapod crustaceans, Panulirus interruptus and Procambarus clarkii. The Journal of experimental biology 211:92-105.

• Spitzer N, Cymbalyuk G, Zhang H, Edwards DH, Baro DJ (2008) Serotonin transduction cascades mediate variable changes in pyloric network cycle frequency in response to the same modulatory challenge. J Neurophysiol 99:2844-2863.

• Clark MC, Khan R, Baro DJ (2008) Crustacean dopamine receptors: localization and G protein coupling in the stomatogastric ganglion. Journal of neurochemistry 104:1006-1019.

• Clark MC, Baro DJ (2007) Arthropod D2 receptors positively couple with cAMP through the Gi/o protein family. Comparative biochemistry and physiology Part B, Biochemistry & molecular biology 146:9-19.

• Brito MN, Brito NA, Baro DJ, Song CK, Bartness TJ (2007) Differential activation of the sympathetic innervation of adipose tissues by melanocortin receptor stimulation. Endocrinology 148:5339-5347.

• Cui D, Dougherty KJ, Machacek DW, Sawchuk M, Hochman S, Baro DJ (2006) Divergence between motoneurons: gene expression profiling provides a molecular characterization of functionally discrete somatic and autonomic motoneurons. Physiol Genomics 24:276-289.

• Clark MC, Baro DJ (2006) Molecular cloning and characterization of crustacean type-one dopamine receptors: D1alphaPan and D1betaPan. Comparative biochemistry and physiology Part B, Biochemistry & molecular biology 143:294-301.

• Sosa MA, Spitzer N, Edwards DH, Baro DJ (2004) A crustacean serotonin receptor: cloning and distribution in the thoracic ganglia of crayfish and freshwater prawn. The Journal of comparative neurology 473:526-537.

• Clark MC, Dever TE, Dever JJ, Xu P, Rehder V, Sosa MA, Baro DJ (2004) Arthropod 5-HT2 receptors: a neurohormonal receptor in decapod crustaceans that displays agonist independent activity resulting from an evolutionary alteration to the DRY motif. The Journal of neuroscience: the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 24:3421-3435.

• Soto I, Marie B, Baro DJ, Blanco RE (2003) FGF-2 modulates expression and distribution of GAP-43 in frog retinal ganglion cells after optic nerve injury. J Neurosci Res 73:507-517.

• Ufret-Vincenty CA, Baro DJ, Santana LF (2001) Differential contribution of sialic acid to the function of repolarizing K(+) currents in ventricular myocytes. Am J Physiol Cell Physiol 281:C464-474.

• Ufret-Vincenty CA, Baro DJ, Lederer WJ, Rockman HA, Quinones LE, Santana LF (2001) Role of sodium channel deglycosylation in the genesis of cardiac arrhythmias in heart failure. The Journal of biological chemistry 276:28197-28203.

• Mizrahi A, Dickinson PS, Kloppenburg P, Fenelon V, Baro DJ, Harris-Warrick RM, Meyrand P, Simmers J (2001) Long-term maintenance of channel distribution in a central pattern generator neuron by neuromodulatory inputs revealed by decentralization in organ culture. The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience 21:7331-7339.

• Baro DJ, Quinones L, Lanning CC, Harris-Warrick RM, Ruiz M (2001) Alternate splicing of the shal gene and the origin of I(A) diversity among neurons in a dynamic motor network. Neuroscience 106:419-432.