Child Welfare Blog

I was thoroughly surprised that Georgia did not have a data record system of kids in their foster program fifteen years ago.  I was shocked to learn that African American males were the most at risk for dying from abuse than females of various races.  I was also surprised to learn that the number of foster care cases in Georgia has decreased through the years.  I was delighted that Georgia had one of the best child welfare rates throughout the nation. I think that additional state funding should be allocated to departments that improve the services available for children, families and reunification.


I learned that majority of cases received are child protective cases and not foster care cases. I learned that placing children in foster care was often a last resort that the state chooses to take.  The presentation stated that quarterly reports are created to monitor serious injury or child abuse reports. That updated information is an attribution to the success of Georgia’s Child Welfare system  in saving and improving lives. Consistent data along with the new child welfare reform council will continue to help the services, practices, and decrease the challenges the youth face in our state.  Lastly, I found it interesting that feedback from the media with child abuse deaths or abuse was the mechanism that prompted child investigations to be reported and monitored.

I think all the streams of policy were evident with the process of social policy creation. There were a few bills that were passed that improved the safety and funding for children or children’s services. For example, Senate Bill 282 was a child support bill that would improve the calculation of payments to children was developed. Another monetary bill, House Bill 797 would continue to provide victim compensation to sexual assault victims up until the age of 21 was helpful.  The passing of the bills above support that public interest is influential and window opportunities can create policy. Political power and principles were also demonstrated with the child welfare and child medical marijuana bills failing to pass. Both bills were created to improve the health and safety of children in the state. It has been stated that the bills failed to pass due to the upcoming elections influencing legislators with seniority and their voting decision/power. Campaign funding promoting an opposite cause was a reason why House Bill 914, a child welfare bill failed.  The failure of policy creation that would improve children and families lives was evident that children’s best interests are not always put first, especially if it is not the shared political ideology among legislators. Governor Deal creating the Child Welfare Reform Council through an executive order, demonstrated the power he has when it came to the reporting of child abuse and DFACs system. The council was created because the House and Senate bodies were politically fighting against each other to express a point, resulting in children continuing to suffer.


To improve the creation of social policy in the area of child welfare I think that child welfare advocacy would be most significant.  Advocacy to stakeholders, different forms of the media (newspapers, magazines, news broadcasts, etc.) and policy makers of critical data would need to be introduced. Providing alarming data may positively change lives and communities for the present and the future.

The Affordable Health Care Act



Creating and implementing the Affordable Health Care Act has been instrumental in impacting and comparing the “Sick around America/ Word” stories in the United States and internationally. On the documentaries in the United States there were citizens who were unemployed or underemployed, or had pre-existing medical conditions and were denied medical coverage. That loss of coverage led to numerous unnecessary deaths or health problems for individuals. With the new ACA being available individuals in the United States can now have access to medical coverage who were previously rejected for coverage. The ACA is finally trying to take the lead of providing universal health care as other countries have been providing helpful and affordable coverage to their citizens for decades. The Commonwealth Fund site exemplified the severity and issue of the United States being one of the wealthiest countries and having the worst rate health coverage for its citizens.

The site states “In 2013, more than one-third (37%) of U.S. adults went without recommended care, did not see a doctor when they were sick, or failed to fill prescriptions because of costs, compared with as few as 4 percent to 6 percent in the United Kingdom and Sweden”. That lack of coverage results in too many deaths and preventable medical diseases. In the America video, the only people who were able to maintain adequate care where those who had full coverage with their employer. If their employment ended then health coverage would cease for that person or their family and they are left with a debt balance. I think the ACA will change that feature in the future, because unemployed individuals won’t be penalized for being uninsured if they meet specific income specifications. I do think the ACA may work, but additional reform is necessary. For example, in southern states Medicaid expansion is blocked. That blockage is preventing low income individuals from receiving affordable coverage and ultimately killing people like the woman who had lupus in the video.  New measures have to occur for state legislatures and governors to stop blocking Medicaid and for people to receive health coverage.

I am skeptical of the longevity of the ACA in the future because in the United States the insurance market is based solely on revenue versus the wellness of a person in comparison to other countries. If this United States market ever reforms the health coverage putting a individual’s health before making a profit, than universal health coverage may began. According to the films and articles, United States doctors, facilities, administrative costs and Pharmaceutical companies make more money in providing health coverage compared to other companies who provide complete coverage for their residents at affordable rates. That support proves that the United States can implement the ACA , but political control is the exception to the Affordable Care Act functioning. John Cannon’s Affordable Care Act expressed how congress can implement or blocks legislation as if it is a game. Walter Oleszek of the  Congressional Research Service has chronicled the evolution of the modern congressional process and describes it this way: “Members find new uses for old rules, employ innovative devices, or bypass traditional procedures and processes altogether to achieve their political and policy objectives.”




The Intersection of Race, Gender, and Class

The intersection of race, gender, and class

The DeParle reading did not change my perception with the ability of social policy combating poverty.  The history of how minorities have been treated in the United States post slavery exemplifies some of the discrimination, segregation, and continuous cycles of abuse that leads to present day poverty and inequality for individuals.  DeParle, 95 writes “Three centuries of exploitation from slavery to industrial unemployment is the reason for welfare policy” (Deparle, 2004). That quotes supports that social policy can be framed to support and aid citizens, but in reality it can have a hidden agenda that does not provide additional liberties for people and opportunities for better lives. For example, during the Clinton Administration, House Speaker Gingrich had his own political agenda. He attempted to “End welfare as We Know It” in his own controlling way. He wanted to allow state governors to control the welfare system oppose to the Federal government. Instead of providing helpful ways to reduce the welfare recipients with job training or daycare cost for children Gingrich choose to blame the victims who were teen parents or contracted AIDS by reducing the funding for the recipients and taking opportunities for growth from their lives ( DeParle 117).

Deparle’s book with Stone’s book  described the Liberty- welfare trade off as the recipients not truly having liberties because they were dependent on the government for  providing their shelter, food, and other necessities that could not provide. On one hand I felt that the women in DeParle did exemplify the welfare- trade off listed in the book, because they typically did not work for some of their resources, but on the other hand equal opportunity of obtaining those resources were often difficult to receive, resulting in the women finding other ways for survival. Ultimately, I think there is a trade off with the control and power of the underclass individuals. If a small window of opportunity presents itself for a person to improve their lifestyle and they take that opportunity, that results in that person improving their life. That can then result in that person helping someone else in the future, because all people rely on each other for survival and the advancement of life in society.

1st Policy Blog

A controversial social policy I found is regarding future drug testing for food stamp applicants. This state bill is known as HB 772. This bill was introduced January 22, 2014 by Representative Greg Morris.  (Greg Morris 2014,  ). The bill states that future applicants who want to enroll in the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program must take a drug  test and pass the drug test to receive the food benefits. Upon submitting the application a drug test would have to be administered. The test would be given to applicants within 48 hours. The drug test fee is $17.00. The drug test fee would not be federally funded and the applicant would have to pay the fee upon testing. If a recipient receives Medicaid then their drug test fees will be covered. The $17.00 drug test fee will be refunded to applicants only if they have negative test results and the refund will be added to their food stamp balance.  If the applicant has children and failed the drug test, then another relative will be tested for the drug test and their results must also be negative. The testing cycle of individuals will continue until a family member with negative test results allegedly appears.  Greg Morris 2014,  ).

Origin/ Support

There has been food stamp reform and outlash from conservatives for years regarding reducing the funding, resources and applicants for the food program. Many opponents feel that the program is a simple way for recipients to receive free food for themselves or children if they choose not to go into the work force.  Other opposition for the program is recipients using their benefits for poor food choices or on wasteful items such as clothing. From my research the main SNAP abuse I discovered were store owners making illegal transactions by substituting the food benefits from the EBT card to cash to customers, this practice is known as “SNAP Trafficking” (Chad Stone, 2013

To begin a reduction on the federal SNAP Program, Congress passed the Farm Bill that will eliminate $9 billion dollars from the SNAP program over the next decade (Valerie J. Morgan, 2014 Conservatives believe people are simply looking for a handout when in reality due to the downturn of the Economy in recent years, fewer employment opportunities are available. With fewer jobs being available more people need economic assistance for food, while they are still responsible for their shelter, utilities, transportation costs, healthcare, or possible childcare expenses.  A critical point I think for those who favor this bill must remember that according to the Center on Budget and Policy Priorities SNAP recipients are mainly children, disabled individuals, and the elderly, not adults who choose not to work (Chad Stone, 2013   .

Issues with HB 772

If a person tests positive for a drug they may possibly have an addiction problem and them receiving food assistance or benefits should not be denied because of their poor behavior choices.

Another question I thought was the rate for the test. If an individual is unemployed and not receiving financial assistance, where do supporters think the money for this test is going to come from?

According to Valerie J. Morgan, This program is federally funded and was struck down as unconstitutional in Florida, so my opinion is that this bill may not get passed in either the Georgia House of Representatives or the Senate (Valerie J. Morgan, 2014

If a person fails the test three times why is the retest date range from one month, to three months to a year?

Many recipients of food stamps may not have adequate transportation to return to the department for testing, so in that case are they ineligible and denied food benefits? That would be wrong and cause new problems for starving children. This bill may have originated with the views of the legislator thinking too many tax payer dollars are allocated for the program for unnecessary applicants.  I also think proposing this bill was a response the legislator developed to reduce or eliminate food stamp fraud in Georgia.

Another question considered was why were poor individuals under attack for having a drug abuse problem compared to wealthier individuals who may have a drug problem but they are not penalized for their addiction and can afford their own food?

My overall opinion for this bill, is that if it was implemented it would ultimately cause more problems for individuals and
children receiving the food they need to survive. The testing process, the testing fee, or even being denied for SNAP benefits seems like a disciplinary approach for people who have addiction or substance abuse problems and it is not a fair policy for those struggling with addiction and are not financially able to purchase their food.


Morgan, V. J. (2014, January). Lawmakers Pitches Drug Tests For Food Stamps Applicants . Retrieved from On Common Ground News:

Morris, G. (2014, January 22). HB 772 Public assistance; drug testing for applicants for food stamps; require. Retrieved from Georgia General Assembly Legislatin :

Stone, C. (2013, May 16). The Facts About Food Stamps Conservatives Don’t Want You to Hear. Retrieved from US News:


Valerie Morgan , “Lawmaker Pitches Drug   Test For Food Applicants”

Chad Stone “The Facts About Food Stamps Conservatives Don’t Want You to Hear”

Greg Morris “House Bill 772”

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