Procedure for Requesting Feedback on an Article/Project


Please indicate when you submit your work if you would like to have it reviewed by a SoTL facilitator.  You may also email at any point after publication if you would like to use the facilitation/review feature.


When you submit an article for feedback, it will be assigned to two faculty members who are experienced in the field of SoTL, including our CETL Teaching Fellows.  They will review the article and give written feedback and recommendations for revision.

In order to help submitters prepare their articles for submission to blind peer-reviewed journals, when appropriate, our review process will model that of a “target” journal, the International Journal of Scholarship of Teaching and Learning. They describe their review process here *

criteria for peer review (from iJsotl)

  1. Clear goals 
    Does the scholar state the basic purposes of his or her work clearly?
    Does the scholar define objectives that are realistic and achievable?
    Does the scholar identify important questions in the field?
  2. Adequate preparation 
    Does the scholar show an understanding of existing scholarship in the field?
    Does the scholar bring the necessary skills to his or her work?
    Does the scholar bring together the resources necessary to move the project forward?
  3. Appropriate methods 
    Does the scholar use methods appropriate to the goals?
    Does the scholar apply effectively the methods selected?
    Does the scholar modify procedures in response to changing circumstances?
  4. Significant results 
    Does the scholar achieve the goals?
    Does the scholar’s work add consequentially to the field?
    Does the scholar’s work open additional areas for further exploration?
  5. Effective presentation 
    Does the scholar use a suitable style and effective organization to present his or her work?
    Does the scholar use appropriate forums for communicating work to its intended audiences?
    Does the scholar present his or her message with clarity and integrity?
  6. Reflective critique 
    Does the scholar critically evaluate his or her own work?
    Does the scholar bring an appropriate breadth of evidence to his or her critique?
    Does the scholar use evaluation to improve the quality of future work?

Additional Questions

Relevance for SoTL 
Does the paper focus sufficiently on a SoTL question or inquiry?
Does the paper have a purpose and provide knowledge applicable to the teaching and learning process?
Does the paper give evidence of significant and ethical SoTL research?

Are the paper’s conclusions valid based upon the evidence systematically gathered and upon the argumentation provided?
Does the paper provide new knowledge or otherwise advance the scholarship of teaching and learning?
Does the paper have originality of approach or questions pursued, or a unique perspective on familiar approaches or questions?

International Significance & Relevance 
Is the paper on a topic that would be of value for an international readership?
Is the paper intellectually accessible for college faculty in various countries and higher education systems?
Does the paper serve to promote international knowledge, conversations or collaborations about the topic, or about SoTL in general?

* IJSoTL states that their reviewers “will consider the general criteria for any authentic scholarship as described in Scholarship Assessed: Evaluation of the Professoriate by Glassick, Huber and Maeroff (1997).”