Museums and Technology Discriminate the Disabled

Lisney, Eleanor et al. “Museums and Technology: Being Inclusive Helps Accessibility for All.” 56.3 (2013): p353–361. Web.


The authors of this article “Museums and Technology: Being Inclusive Helps Accessibility for All” ,who are  academic and three disability-and-access practitioners, discuss  “accessibility issues for museums in the context of growing dependence on technology”. Eleanor Lisney references “recent installations at the Herbert” that meshes 3D experiences with the real world, however artist Stelarc , lecturer Joff Chafer, and artist and technologist Ian Upton did not consider this exhibit is not accessible for people with visual impairments. Maria Zedda mentions the Equality Act of 2010 that stated one in five people in the United Kingdom are disabled yet museums are becoming less accessible to the blind and deaf through technological advancements. The authors speak from their own personal experiences “the aim of this paper is to provide museums with a disabled person’s point of view, which could help in inspiring improvements for the future”. This source is useful because it shows an issue from the perspective of the discriminated group and allows the reader to rethink about the way we interact in high tech environments and how it may be difficult for those with disabilities.

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