Apparently your brain houses a mind whose mental process allow you of remember, make decisions, plan, set goals and be creative and the cognitive approach next emphasizes the mental process involved in knowing how we direct our attention, perceive, remember, think, and solve problems.
The modern study of cognition rests on the premise that the brain can be understood as a complex computing system.

In comparison to the behaviorists approach, the cognitive approach believes that internal mental behavior can be scientifically studied using experiments. Cognitive psychology assumes that the process occurs between stimulus/input and response/output.
Some of cognitive strengths s that its its highly applicable and that it combines easily with approaches:
-Behaviorism + cog= social learning
-Biology+ Cog= Evolutionary
Some of cognitive limitations are that it ignores biology(testosterone), experiments, humanism(rejects scientific method) and behaviorism(can’t objectively study observably behavior)
Psychologists use cognitive to explain how we solve math problems, why we remember some things for only a short time but others for a lifetime and how we can use our imaginations to plan for the future.