Whitfield, Geoffrey P, and Arthur M Wendel. “Modeling Health Impacts Of The Transportation Built Environment: Challenges And Opportunities.” Journal Of Environmental Health 77.7 (2015): 36-37. MEDLINE with Full Text. Web. 3 Feb. 2016.

This article, by Geoffrey P. Whitfield and Arthur M. Wendel, is about modeling the health impacts that aspects of the built environment would have, such as sidewalks and bicycle paths. It also talks about what data the models would be based on. The models used can be used to predict health outcomes of things like sidewalks and bicycle paths.01bikeshare This source would be useful for anyone that is interested in the impact of the built environment on health. The article talks about how things such as bicycling and walking can help prevent many chronic diseases. I chose this source because it specifically mentioned the built environment and it’s impact on health. I also chose it to serve as a gateway to a possible topic for my final research paper. A flaw this article contains is how brief it is. It also does not provide an extreme level of detail on the specific topic of health and the built environment.