
Module 6–Building More Content

Learning Objectives

  • To continue to apply your coding skills and rhetorical knowledge to real-world web design

Web Design Concept: Layout—Layout applies to basically all designs: hardcopy documents, electronic documents, or web pages; brochures, flyers, newsletters, user’s guides, etc. For your reading summary, of course, I’d like you to focus on web design. Did you notice that some well designed websites have different layouts for different platforms: desktops, tablets, and cellphones. A layout design that automatically adjusts based on your platform is called responsive design. How do these different platforms affect the layout design of your website?

Assignments (Due by midnight Sunday, 4/14)

  1. Add more substantial content to your portfolio website. At this point, it’s a little hard to quantify how much more content you should add. By the end of the week, you should have basically all the pages up for your portfolio website. You can use the following week to do final tweaks in content and format design.
  2. Research about and write a reading summary for the following web design concept: Layout. This summary should be placed on your “readings.html” page. Your reading summary for this week should contain the following:
    • A heading on its own line formatted in bold
    • At least 200 words
    • At least two sources with complete bibliographic information in MLA or APA format

At this point, you’ll have completed all the reading summaries. Grading for the reading summaries was more a participation grade, meaning as long as your reading summary is up to par, you receive the full points. The total points for all the reading summaries added together is 20. If you have missed one, then you lose 2 points.  


The total points for this week’s module assignments is 40. Grading for this module will focus on the following:

  • The amount of work you have done according to my requirements
  • The effectiveness of your content and format design