This module contains the following five sections:
(1) Summary of Content
(2) Powerpoint – Elder Abuse and Neglect
(3) Expert Interview (Podcast) – “A Discussion about Elder Abuse and Neglect”
(4) Case Studies and Discussion Questions
(5) Additional Resources – Instructor Notes, Presentation Handouts and References
Elder abuse and neglect is both under-reported and under-detected in the older population.
This module provides an overview of the different types of neglect and high risks groups for abuse and neglect. High risk situations associated with both the older adult and perpetrator are identified. The podcast with a forensic nurse in adult protective services provides information about cases and services in this area.
Guest Speaker Biography:
Patricia “Pat” King is a post-certified forensic nurse with extensive experience in the investigation and prosecution of abuse, neglect and exploitation of older adults and adults with disabilities (at-risk adults). Her specific areas of interest: suspicious deaths of at-risk adults, developing forensic/advocacy centers for at-risk adults and human trafficking of at-risk adults for monthly benefits. Ms. King’s current position is with the State of Georgia as a Forensic Special Investigator.
Ms. King is involved in numerous organizations around Georgia including the Task Force Against Maltreatment of Elders. Because of her expertise, she is a frequent presenter at conferences, in classes, and in the media about elder abuse. In this podcast, she discusses her experiences with older adults who have been mistreated or abused.
Podcast Topic and Location:
“A Discussion about Elder Abuse and Neglect”
In this podcast Ms King will discuss her role and that of the special investigator unit in providing resources and training for individuals who investigate cases of elder abuse. She will also highlight the individuals at highest risk, the most common types of abuse seen in Georgia, and the responsibilities of healthcare providers in reporting abuse.
Podcast can be located within the powerpoint (above)- Slide #19 or by clicking below :
Instructor Handouts – Instructor Notes – Elder Abuse and Neglect
Presentation Handouts – Handouts – Elder Abuse and Neglect
References – References – Elder Abuse and Neglect