Mycobacterium tuberculosis Pathogenesis

Tuberculosis is not solely caused by the bacterium but a combination of the bacterium and the environment! Study by Edward Trudeau in late 1800’s: a. Five M. tuberculosis infected rabbits kept in a crowded, dark cage → 4 dead, 1 severely ill      …

A Day in the Life of Mycobacterium tuberculosis

M. tuberculosis is an obligate aerobe meaning it requires oxygen to survive. This is why it is found in the upper part of the lungs in people. Sunlight kills the bacteria, so the lungs are also perfect for keeping it safe from the sun. This bacterium…

Who is Mycobacterium tuberculosis?

Last week I introduced my microbe, Mycobacterium tuberculosis. This week we’re going to dig a little deeper and examine this bacterium further. Some fast facts on M. tuberculosis: i. Morphology It’s a bacillus meaning it has a rod shape. In terms of size, it’s…

Meet the Microbe

On March 26th, 2019, I went to the CDC Museum in Atlanta, GA. I chose this site because I don’t have a car and was able to take the train and a bus to get there. Also, I had never been to the CDC before…