What really stood out to me in Henry James’ Turn of the Screw was how the governess seemed to be very forgiving towards Miles’ actions, however, Flora didn’t receive the same treatment as her brother. Flora was instead treated more harshly and reprimanded for her actions. It is no surprise that during this period, men had a higher place in society than women, however, it was odd to me that these standards were still in place with Miles and Flora despite them being children. In chapter 20 of the story, it is shown that the governess starts to see Flora in a more negative light when she states that “Flora continued to fix me with her small mask of reprobation, and even at that minute I prayed God to forgive me for seeming to see that, as she stood there holding tight to our friend’s dress, her incomparable childish beauty had suddenly failed, had quite vanished. I’ve said it already – she was literally, she was hideously, hard; she had turned common and almost ugly.” This quote shows that Flora was losing her innocence in the eyes of the governess, but Miles was never described so harshly despite his actions. They were both under suspicion for being influenced by the spirits of Peter Quint and Miss Jessel, but the governess was more interested in saving Miles from the evil spirits than saving Flora from them.